Summer 2023

“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” - Matthew 6:10


“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” - Matthew 6:10 //


  • CAMP A
    May 27 - 31
    + Speaker: Jesse Joyner

    CAMP B
    June 1 - 5
    + Speaker: Jesse Joyner

    CAMP C (mini)
    June 6 - 9
    + Speaker: Jesse Joyner
    ++ Departure after lunch on the 9th

    CAMP D (preteen)
    June 17 - 21
    + Speaker: Steve Winger
    ++ Campers age 9 - 12

    CAMP E
    July 11 - 15
    + Speaker: Ryan Coatney

    CAMP F

    July 17 - 21
    + Speaker: Ryan Coatney

    CAMP G
    July 22 - 26
    + Speaker: Zack Owens

    CAMP H
    July 27 - 31
    + Speaker: Kimberly Gingrich

    June 11 - 16
    + Speaker: Steve Miller

    June 22 - 27
    + Speaker: Jason Curry

    July 4 - 9
    + Speaker: Walt Barnes

“Kingdom Come” speaks to the deep longing of our heart. It is an appeal to God for things to be made right!

The world is broken and fallen NOW, yet the rule and reign of God is here and followers of Jesus are people who yearn for it.

When we pray “Your Kingdom come”, we are eager for God’s rule over our world and in our hearts and minds. As citizens of God’s Kingdom, we want to live a life with Jesus; looking more like him and doing what he did. We also look FORWARD to a time when God’s Kingdom is fully realized; when “everything sad is going to come untrue” (Tolkien).

What does this mean for campers this summer?

For those who have never trusted Jesus, it is an invitation to step into life with Christ, submit to God’s rule and reign, and to trust Him in all things. In Christ, we find salvation from sin, adoption into a new family, and membership into a new way of life!

For those who are already following Jesus, it is a celebration of God as King and our role as heirs in His Kingdom. We look at our broken world and cry out “Thy Kingdom come!” The good news of the Kingdom of God is the appeal to enter into a life as God intended from the beginning.