support  lfr

Become a supporter of LFR through a generous gift today. Every gift makes an impact.


We depend on the support of friends like you! Our needs are great, but we’ve witnessed God’s grace over and over again through people like you who pray and give. Consider how your next gift will impact the ministry of LFR in one of these areas.


    Designating a gift as “unrestricted” will give LFR the freedom to use the gift in the most pressing area of need. Sometimes that is simply by paying bills and our year-round staff salaries. Other times, we use these gifts for camp repairs, promotional materials or recreation equipment. As we recover from this pandemic, an “unrestricted” gift allows us the flexibility to ensure gifts go toward the most critical needs.


    Gifts designated as “Capital Improvements” will go directly toward building projects, repairs, and upgrades to our camp facilities. While we always need support in keeping the camp in working order, we are also looking forward to starting new building projects to improve what we do. As the camp grows and ages, these gifts are crucial.


    Send a child to camp! We never want the cost of camp to keep a child or teenager from experiencing a summer at LFR. Your “campership” designated gift will allow campers who need financial assistance to come to camp for free or at a reduced cost. LFR also partners with a few ministries that serve children and teens, and a campership gift will allow those campers to experience camp for free. We love giving camperships!


    We occasionally receive non-cash gifts that also help support the ongoing ministry of LFR. People have given vehicles, appliances, ATVs, and more. If you want to give something to LFR that we can use (or sell), this might be a great way to benefit the camp. You might also consider asking us what we need, and we’ll tell you!

*Lake Forest Ranch is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation. All gifts are tax deductible.